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Cov khoom

Nyob zoo, tuaj nrog peb cov khoom!

Vuam txheej txheem ntawm steel qhov chaw ncej

1.Cov kev cai zoo rau bolted pob qhov chaw thav duab thiab cov khoom siv Bar: Lub blanking ntev thiab vuam yuam kev ntawm steel yeeb nkab thiab bar nyob rau hauv ± 1 hli Bolt pob: yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj kab nrib pleb ntawm qhov chaw, qhov kev ncua deb yuam kev los ntawm qhov chaw ntawm lub pob mus rau lub nto ntawm lub qhov ntsia hlau yog nyob rau hauv ± 10.2 hli, thiab lub kaum sab xis deviation ntawm lub qhov ntsia hlau yog ± 30′.Vuam yuav tsum tau ua raws li GBJ97-81: vuam ntawm cov khoom yuav tsum muaj zog sib npaug, thiab vuam zoo yuav tsum nruj me ntsis tswj.Lub pob yuav tsum tau rhuab mus rau 50 ° ua ntej welding nrog 5016 lossis 5015 electrodes.

2.Weld qib zoo: qhov kev sib txuas ntawm cov phaj txhawb nqa, lub bolt pob thiab cov embedded phaj phaj yog tag nrho cov welded, qib zoo yog 2, thiab tus so yog 3. Cov kev tsim kho yuav tsum mus txog qib ob.

3. Cov hlau siv nyob rau hauv cov qauv load-bearing yuav tsum muaj pov thawj ntawm tensile lub zog, elongation, yield zog thiab sulfur thiab phosphorus cov ntsiab lus, thiab cov qauv welded yuav tsum muaj pov thawj ntawm cov ntsiab lus carbon.Cov hlau siv rau welded load-bearing qauv thiab tseem ceeb uas tsis yog-welded load-bearing qauv yuav tsum kuj muaj ib tug txias dabtsi yog khoov xeem qualification guarantee.

4.Lub vuam seam zoo soj ntsuam ntawm qhov chaw thav duab yuav tsum ua tau raws li cov txheej txheem thib ob uas tau teev tseg hauv <> (GB50205-2020).

5. Qhov zoo ntawm cov vuam yuav tsum ua raws li lub teb chaws tus qauv tam sim no "Code for Vuam ntawm Steel Structures" GB 50661 Txoj kev tshuaj xyuas yuav tsum ua raws li lub teb chaws tus qauv tam sim no "Code rau Txais Kev Tsim Kho Zoo ntawm Steel Structure Engineering" GB 50205. Rau pob tw welds nrog ib tug tuab ntawm tsawg tshaj li 6 hli, ultrasonic flaw detection yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los txiav txim lub weld zoo qib.6.Thaum cov yeeb nkab steel thiab cov phaj sealing thiab lub khob hliav qab lub taub hau tsim ib tug pas nrig, lub pob tw welds ntawm ob qho kawg yog tag nrho cov nkag welds.


Product Detail

Khoom cim npe


Cov txheej txheem vuam yog txheej txheem tseem ceeb hauv kev tsim cov hlau qhov chaw thav duab, thiab nws yuav tsum tau ua kom nruj raws li cov lus qhia ua haujlwm vuam.Txo qhov kev ntxhov siab seem uas tshwm sim los ntawm kev vuam, thiab kho lub sijhawm deformation los ntawm cov nplaim hluav taws kub.

A. Thaum cov yeeb nkab steel yog welded nrog lub sealing phaj thiab cov yeeb nkab steel, qhov zawj yuav tsum tau qhib raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua, thiab lub zawj lub kaum sab xis yuav tsum ua kom tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua ntawm lub kaum sab xis tsim ntawm electrode thiab qhov zawj nto kom tsis txhob muaj kev sib tsoo thiab slag suav nrog.Tsis tas li ntawd, qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov zawj yuav tsum Loj txaus kom cov electrode arc tuaj yeem ncav cuag hauv qab ntawm qhov zawj thiab tsis txhob muaj qhov tob tob tob.
B. Tsis txhob teem lub vuam seam mus rau nruab nrab ntawm tus pas nrig thaum cov yeeb nkab steel yog butted.
C. Cov teeb meem xav tau kev saib xyuas hauv kev ua haujlwm vuam:
a.Thaum lub sij hawm phau ntawv arc vuam, cov khoom siv yuav tsum tsis txhob loj dhau, thiab siv ntau txheej thiab ntau txheej vuam siv.
Thaum lub sij hawm tus txheej txheem, lub weld hlaws los yog interlayer vuam slag, slag inclusion, oxide, thiab lwm yam yuav tsum tau nruj me ntsis tshem tawm.Sib tsoo log, steel siv tau.
Cov cuab yeej xws li hlau txhuam.
b.Tib welding seam yuav tsum tau welded tsis tu ncua thiab ua tiav ib zaug.
c.Rau ntau qhov sib koom ua ke, tom qab vuam tiav lawm, cov slag thiab hlau tawg ntawm qhov chaw ntawm qhov vuam yuav tsum raug ntxuav.
Txheeb xyuas qhov zoo ntawm qhov vuam, thiab yuav tsum tsis muaj kev nyuaj siab, weld hlaws, undercut, blowhole, tsis muaj fusion, tawg.
thiab muaj lwm yam tsis xws luag.
d.Tom qab lub pob tw welded yog welded, ultrasonic flaw detection yuav tsum tau nqa tawm tom qab 24 teev.

Welding procedure of steel space grid S
Welding procedure of steel space grid S
Welding procedure of steel space grid S

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