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Cov khoom

Nyob zoo, tuaj nrog peb cov khoom!

Tua blasting thiab derusting txheej txheem ntawm steel qhov chaw ncej

Kev tshem tawm xeb ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom yuav tsum tau ua los ntawm kev tua blasting lossis cov cuab yeej siv fais fab.Qhov kev tshem tawm xeb ntawm cov hlau qhov chaw yuav tsum ncav cuag qib Sa2.5, qhov roughness ntawm qhov chaw yuav tsum yog 40-80μm, thiab cheeb tsam tshaj tus qauv yuav tsum yog ntau tshaj 10%.Ua kev tshem tawm xeb.Tom qab tshem tawm xeb, cov xuab zeb ntab yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm tag nrho, thiab thawj primer yuav tsum ua kom tiav hauv 12 teev.Yog tias muaj cov xeb xeb ntawm qhov chaw, nws yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm nrog cov ntawv xuab zeb lossis cov cuab yeej siv fais fab.

Cov xim ntawm cov hlau qhov chaw thav duab cov tswv cuab yuav tsum tau txau.Cov xim ua ntej txau yuav tsum tau nplawm tusyees, thiab nws tsis pub ntxiv diluent ntawm qhov xav tau.Yog tias cov viscosity ntawm cov xim loj dhau lawm, qhov tsim nyog ntawm cov diluent tuaj yeem ntxiv, tab sis kev xaiv tsis pub ntau tshaj 5% ntawm cov diluent yuav tsum ua raws li cov kev cai ntawm cov khoom siv xim.Kev pleev xim yuav tsum tau ua nyob rau hauv lub vaj tse, qhov kub thiab txias yuav tsum nyob nruab nrab ntawm 5 ° C thiab 35 ° C, qhov txheeb ze av noo yuav tsum tsis txhob siab tshaj 80%, thiab qhov kub ntawm cov khoom yuav tsum yog 5 ° C siab dua. lub dew point.Tom qab cov txheej yog qhuav, qhov tsos ntawm cov xim zaj duab xis yuav tsum yog uniform, du, plump, tsis txhob sagging, wrinkling, bottoming, blistering, pinholes, tawg, tev thiab nplaum av., yuav tsum tau kho raws sijhawm.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Kev txhaj tshuaj blasting:

Kev txhaj tshuaj blasting yog siv lub zog centrifugal ntawm lub impeller ntawm lub tshuab txhaj tshuaj blasting thaum nws tig ntawm kev kub ceev, thiab cov txheej txheem txhaj tshuaj blasting yog siab heev.
Lub linear tshaj tawm ntawm cov hlau yog txhaj rau saum npoo ntawm cov hlau yuav tsum tau kho, ua rau lub tshuab thiab sib tsoo, thiab cov oxide nplai ntawm cov hlau raug tshem tawm.
thiab xeb, thiab tsim ib qho roughness.Kev txhaj tshuaj blasting yog qhov ua tau zoo thiab tuaj yeem ua tau nyob rau hauv ib puag ncig kaw.
Txhaj tshuaj tua blasting thiab xeb tshem tawm qib;
(1) Kev txhaj tshuaj me me blasting thiab xeb tshem tawm.Cov hlau saum npoo yuav tsum tsis pub pom cov roj lossis cov av thiab tsis muaj zog oxide nplai, xeb thiab xim txheej thiab lwm yam txuas;
(2) Txhuas txhaj tshuaj blasting thiab xeb tshem tawm.Cov hlau saum npoo yuav tsum tsis pub pom cov roj lossis cov av thiab tsis muaj zog oxide nplai, xeb thiab xim txheej thiab lwm yam txuas;
(3) Zoo heev txhaj tshuaj blasting thiab xeb tshem tawm.Cov hlau saum npoo yuav tsum tsis pub pom cov roj lossis av, nplai, hlau txuas xws li xeb thiab xim txheej, txhua qhov seem yuav tsum tsuas yog me ntsis stains nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm cov dots lossis strips;
(4) Txhaj tshuaj blasting thiab xeb tshem tawm kom cov hlau nto huv si.Cov hlau saum npoo yuav tsum tsis pub pom cov roj lossis cov av, oxidation ntawm daim tawv nqaij, xeb thiab xim txheej thiab lwm yam txuas, uas qhia txog cov xim hlau zoo nkauj;

Shot blasting and derusting process of steel space grid
Shot blasting and derusting process of steel space grid
Shot blasting and derusting process of steel space grid
Shot blasting and derusting process of steel space grid

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